Meet Me Monday: CMT Renee Cline
This super mom (and super cat mom) stays super-busy working full time at Rejuvenations and attending school full time at the Hays Academy of Hair Design. Meet one of the longest serving members of the Rejuvenations team, CMT Renee Cline.

Q: You have been with Rejuvenations from almost the beginning. How long have you been here now? A: I just started my 6th year in April. Q: You are a CMT, a certified massage therapist. What helped you decide that was something you wanted to do? A: I moved to Chicago in 2009 and had intentions and attending Cortiva Institute, a massage therapy school. I ended up not really liking Chicago, so I came back home to Fort Hays. I did end up getting my BFA and emphasis in ceramics. I didn’t do my student teaching. I was going to school to be an art teacher, but there weren’t really any available teaching positions in my field, so I was pretty frantic. I posted on Facebook that I was looking to get certified in massage therapy, and I had some people reach out to me and tell me where to go, and I’ve been doing massage therapy ever since. Q: And where did you go? A: I was certified through Elements of Massage and I’ve had extensive training through Rejuvenations as well as some continued education through Elements of Massage. Q: After your certification, how did you end up with rejuvenations?
A: Saber reached out to me and asked if I’d like to join their team. Q: And now you are going to the Hays Academy of Hair Design. What led you to want to expand your repertoire? A: I figure, I don’t know if my body will let me do massages until I’m 60. So I’ll at least prevent injury and increase my longevity working with my body if I’m doing more than just massage. Q: What are your favorite services that you’re doing right now at the academy? A: Waxing and facials. With waxing, it’s kind of like an instant gratification thing. I like facials, because they’re very relaxing. I like makeup – I like it all. It’s all very fun. Q: Do you have any specific massage you like to perform more than others? A: I don’t have a preference. It’s just very rewarding to me, whether it be a 30 minute or a 2 hour massage, to see my guest leave and just feel so much better. And I like that it’s like a workout for me. Q: What’s your favorite part about working for Rejuvenations? A: Oh gosh, there are so many things I could say. The training we receive, I enjoy spending time with the girls; I love our guests. I’ve been on several trips with the spa, and that’s been fabulous. I love our products. I love our services. It’s just an amazing environment. Coming to the spa, I feel this calmness.