Feminism...A man's suffering through women's suffrage
With her red and white bandana, her gritty work-shirt in blue, and a spark in her eye, Rosie the Riveter led the charge for women supporting men in a way that was rarely visualized. What seemed like a ploy for an employment force through the war extended the extra boost for feminism. "If you can operate a kitchen mixer, you can operate a drill" was penned on posters around America. While the debate exists, one thing is known for truth: Rosie the Riveter was a compilation of women. Not one. But isn't that the truth of Women: We are many!

It can often be hard to see the work that women do day to day that leads others to success. Throughout history, women were looked at as the second choice, viewed inferior.
What is it that some men have been missing for years? That women have the tenacity and grit to get through anything thrown at them. Women also have the gift of Emotional Intelligence beyond the common thought. Being able to read others needs and wants, putting everything aside for the sad, lonely, and desolate; women were made to lift one another up. We were made to take on the pressures while rising to the occasion.
Through a difference in politics and religion, we can stand together. Through adversity, we can unite in love. This Labor Day, while we celebrate all who have built America, do not hesitate to celebrate yourselves, as women. Celebrate who you are. Celebrate what you stand for. Celebrate every little thing that you have done to bring impact & change to the world around you. Celebrate!

We birth ideas and dreams.
We build the lives of those around us.
We raise the Nation.
We are women.