Our Favorite Things: Staff Holiday Gift Giving Guide, Pt. 1 w/ Renee
🎅 With less than 7 weeks left until Christmas 🎄, we thought we’d try to make picking out the perfect gift easier by sharing with you some of our favorite things! We let the staff pick their favorite products from the Rejuvenations shelves to share with you. Today, we have the top picks of 7 year staff veteran, Renee Cline:

My first pick would be the Paddywax Apothecary collection’s Tobacco & Patchouli Candle. It burns forever and the smell is amazing! Very natural. Our Alchimie exfoliant, the Gentle Refining Scrub, is absolutely fantastic. And my third favorite product would be the little Cutie Cure. It’s a great stocking stuffer, and you can work on targeted areas for massage. Plus, it fits easily in your purse. 🎁 #spagiftguide #favoritethings #staffpicks